11747 Creek Hollow Rd,Healdsburg, CA 95448

$ 1,950,0002beds2baths
    11747 Creek Hollow Rd,  Healdsburg, CA 95448
    MLS #:324072123
    Price:$ 1,950,000
    Baths:2 Baths (2 F)
    Type:Single Family
    Size:1,382 ft²
    Lot Size:111,078 ft² (2.55 acres)

    Charming Retreat

    • Horseshoe pit
    • Bocce ball court
    • Fire pits
    Single family home with cathedral beamed ceilings throughout the home. The house has an open floor plan. There is a spacious kitchen with a dinette area as well as a formal dining room. The laundry room is completely separated from living area with a sink and cabinet storage and acts as a mudroom entry into the house. The beautifully landscaped and spacious front & back yards have roses, mature plants, and flowers. There is a separate yard entertaining area with a horseshoe pit, bocce ball court, & fire pits. A room off the detached garage is used as an office and has it own air conditioning unit and is set up with 2 doggy doors & outside dog runs.
    Mortgage Calculator
    Down Payment:
    Terms (in Years):
    Monthly Payment:
    Payment Estimator

    *Rates for December 2024. Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a home mortgage consultant. Other restrictions may apply. The Rate/APR and other terms may vary from those displayed based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, the type of dwelling, whether the borrower is self-employed, the location of the property and other factors. Please contact a lender in your area to determine what rates you qualify for.

    **Rates calculated from national averages.  To determine rates in your area please contact your local lender.

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    Data provided by GreatSchools.org ©2023. All rights reserved.

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    Michael Murphy

    CENTURY 21 Epic


    Real Estate Salesperson, CA License No. 01299702

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